[Dec. 7th, 2020|01:09 am] |
A white good-looking male. Usually plays baseball. Listens to hip-hop music and likes to party. |
[Dec. 7th, 2020|02:47 am] |
Par Zviedriju:
"As soon as their own men lost the will and legal ability to keep them physically in line, these women lost respect for them as men. They want the Muslim men now because the Muslims will put them in their places by any means necessary. This also explains the fascination Western women now have with 50 Shades of Grey, etc. They'll never admit it, of course, but what they really want is men who will dominate them."
Tas, ko dara zviedru feministes, ir noliek zviedru vīriešus pie vietas, saucot par rasistiem, ja tiek vispār apspriests imigrācijas jautājums vai musulmaņu noziedzība valstī. Un aicina uzņemt vēl vairāk musulmaņu vīriešus, kurus viņas zemapziņā uzskata par īstiem vīriešiem. Tu esi "labs (sakarīgs) cilvēks", ja vari nolikt sievieti "pie ratiem". Ja tu vnk nevēlies to darīt, jo tas ir pret taviem vienlīdzības uzskatiem - tu esi "slikts cilvēks", "bezprincipu bezmugurkaulnieks". Vīriešu seksisma pakāpe parāda sieviešu vēlmes, lai pār viņām dominē, pakāpi, jo dabā ir līdzsvars. |
[Dec. 7th, 2020|03:54 am] |
NECRO - "I NEED DRUGS" OFFICIAL VIDEO (UNCLE HOWIE R.I.P.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n1ETxqcsNY Šis video man atsauc atmiņā Elvisa dzīvokli un ko mēs tur darījām, haha.
Can't sit and wait for my dealer to come provide it Gotta party to go to and I'm the only one invited I'll search the whole house for the damn white mouse And when I finally find it, I'll sniff the whole ounce I need drugs |
[Dec. 7th, 2020|04:46 am] |
Es gribu vasaru un 4d. |
[Dec. 7th, 2020|05:44 am] |
Cilvēks nav no labām mājām Kas uz poda kāpj ar kājām |
7 Signs You're With The Right Partner |
[Dec. 7th, 2020|08:44 pm] |
1. A good partner has your back. 2. A good partner inspires you to be a better you. 3. A good partner works to gain your trust. 4. A good partner makes you feel secure. 5. A good partner won't cross any lines with you. 6. A good partner works to improve themselves. 7. A good partner won't be abusive. |