[Jan. 10th, 2020|12:05 am] |
Vakars nesanaaca taads, kaa gribeejaas, es nemiileejos ar dviinju liesmu, man bija depresija, es raudaaju nedaudz, ieshavu melno ar XXX. Pie kaapneem guleeja kaada sieviete, es vinju uzaicinaaju palikt pie sevis, iedevu teeju maiziites un naudu un man palika labaak, es vairs nefokuseejos uz sevi un savaam cieshanaam. Man patiik reizeem buut iistam kristietim. |
[Jan. 10th, 2020|08:10 pm] |
Somehow I knew you would leave me this way And somehow I knew you could never, never stay And in the early morning light after a silent peaceful night You took my heart away and I grieve
In my dreams I can see you I can tell you how I feel In my dreams I can hold you And it feels so real
I still feel the pain I still feel your love I still feel the pain I still feel your love |
[Jan. 10th, 2020|09:05 pm] |
Ā, izrādās, kad es izpildu testu, es esmu eneagramma 4, nevis 9, kā man likās, izlasot grāmatu. Vnk tajā grāmatā 4 tizli aprakstīts, daudzus hakslijus tur redzēju. Mana bijusī eneagrammu 4 jauc ar narcistisko personības disorderu. The Four is the personality type which emphasizes the subjective world of feelings, in creativity and individualism, in introversion and self-absorption, and in self-torment and self-hatred. In this personality type we see creative artists, romantic aesthetes, and withdrawn dreamers, people with powerful feelings who feel different from others because self-consciousness blocks them from getting outside themselves. |
[Jan. 10th, 2020|09:50 pm] |
Es atkal esmu brīvs, viss ir beidzies un nosprādzis. Varbūt vēl satikšu kādu, kas mani mīlēs tādu, kāds es esmu. Varbūt jā, varbūt nē, varbūt heroīns mani mīlēs tādu, kāds esmu. Varbūt suicīds mani pieņems. |
[Jan. 10th, 2020|10:40 pm] |
Te ir diezgan pareizi aprakstiitas manas attieciibas ar E:
Both types are ironically highly aware of their impulses, their sensuality, their longings and frustrations, but they both attempt to handle these issues in diametrically different ways. Thus, one of the biggest areas of conflict between Ones and Fours is in self-discipline versus self-indulgence, between personal and emotional impulses either being acted out (Fours) or being suppressed (Ones). Ones can begin to see Fours as hopelessly emotional, self-absorbed and self-indulgent, while Fours can begin to see Ones as insufferably rigid, judgmental, and cold. |