Jan. 10th, 2020|09:05 pm |
Ā, izrādās, kad es izpildu testu, es esmu eneagramma 4, nevis 9, kā man likās, izlasot grāmatu. Vnk tajā grāmatā 4 tizli aprakstīts, daudzus hakslijus tur redzēju. Mana bijusī eneagrammu 4 jauc ar narcistisko personības disorderu. The Four is the personality type which emphasizes the subjective world of feelings, in creativity and individualism, in introversion and self-absorption, and in self-torment and self-hatred. In this personality type we see creative artists, romantic aesthetes, and withdrawn dreamers, people with powerful feelings who feel different from others because self-consciousness blocks them from getting outside themselves. |