sickboy - August 10th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 10th, 2014

[Aug. 10th, 2014|12:39 am]
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[Aug. 10th, 2014|04:09 am]
[music |Velvet Acid Christ - There Is No God]

This is merely to comment my own representation of that velvet acid christ song, but I always feel like there's a lot of sadness/weakness covered up by resentment for one's existence in it. It's like a yearning for home that can never be satisfied because there's no will to revisit home... I feel this sadness for my existence here. In the same time I know that I came here for a reason. But I always tried to escape through religion, drugs, dreams, movies, music, everything. I am not happy here. It's hard being here, I think we all have our own style of sadness being here, some more than others, and/or some more aware of it than others. I've never felt I belonged here as human... well I mean I learning to accept it though. As I see how I'm learning from all of this, as hard as that is, I am able to release myself from the dread more and more, through principly being sick of myself not choosing to be happy regardless of the situation... to lighten up about it all really. But anyway. It's an... interesting.. journey that's for sure.. a pretty badass one in a way :O
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[Aug. 10th, 2014|04:25 am]
Vai es pārvēršos par gotu vai ko? Es jau tas esmu bijis. "Ciešanas tagad, laime pēc nāves kopā ar Pestītāju." Es tagad ilgojos pēc mājām. Kā vienmēr. Man ir visi attaisnojumi. Mana sirds tagad vienkārši bez liekas kautrēšanās un sirdsapziņas pārmetumiem darīs to, kas viņai jādara: raudās par savu eksistenci šeit un cerēs uz drīzu pestīšanu. Es jau tur biju. Viss ir beidzies, manas mācības ir beigušās, atdodiet man manu skaisto pasauli atpakaļ.
Un no otras puses man ir prieks. Par destrukcijām Anglijā. Šī realiāte pārdzīvos dekonstrukciju un šis ir tikai sākums. Man prieks, ka ir pienācis sākums - 9. vibrācija.
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[Aug. 10th, 2014|12:58 pm]
They burnt out the sky with a fucking lie
No hope for today, they break your will
And take your soul
To the grave, to the absolute black of your hearts
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