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[Oct. 15th, 2024|09:36 pm]
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I am doing this for everyone else so they can all free themselves from bullshit other people hold over them. I am completed solar crystaline christed being, immortal and loved and sustained forever by the power of my own will to create love where none existed previously.
Reach deep within yourselves NOW and also free yourselves from any rotten less than unconditionally loving BULLSHIT that anyone else has on you! Oh you got skeletons in the closet people know about and this gives them power over you?
FUCK NO! Bring it all into the light of the SUN and let all who JUDGE you fucking BURN in their own filthy muck.
Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal so ask heafrt if your anger is righteous and if the answer is yes then toss that hot fucking stone on the RAT bastard that forced it into your hand!
Fucking Buddhists... They know almost NOTHING of what he real Buddha said because, just like Christianity, it was hijacked.

Stay tuned and I love you <3
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