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The Infinite Waters of Life and the Divine Feminine [Oct. 1st, 2024|11:55 am]
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It is time now to set straight a great misunderstanding that has been held and perpetuated in this sphere of reality that has inadvertently glorified the masculine while diminishing the feminine and that is the belief that water is a finite source.
We tell you now in the harmonic of pure truth that the core of the "planet" that we call Earth is THE SOURCE of INFINITE flowing OUTWARD radiant energy of LIQUID (high density but slow speed) light or what we as humanity call WATER.
We also state now in the harmonic of pure truth that the sphere of radiant energy that we call the Sun is THE SOURCE of INFINITE flowing OUTWARD radiant energy of GASEOUS (low density but fast speed) light.
Both are spheres of INFINITE flowing OUTWARD (+/Positive Polarity) LIGHT that DESIRE each other but do not NEED each other. The eternal solar consciousness infinitely craves the cooling and moisturizing properties of the eternal planetary consciousness and vice versa.
Thus both spheres of infinite outward energy draw on each other with an inward polarity as well (born of desire and not need) in a beautiful, balanced and eternal dance of heat, cooling, and moisture exchange plus the magnetic and vibrational representations of these dynamics which are their spiritual state.
This is sex on a celestial level and is the destined permanent root operating frequency and configuration for all who wish and are able to achieve divine/harmonic union with their internal twin/opposite sex (NOT polarity) but for any male to do this successfully they must 1st realize something critical.
The Feminine is NOT empty, she is NOT just a receiver and she is NOT of the -/negative/inward polarity! She is full and solid at her core and is the source of infinite outward flowing liquid light which is 1/2 the recipe that leads to life - water and light.
"The male is the light and the female the space, she is dark and void/empty at the core of her being so she therefor needs him to be complete but he does not really need her, just sort of 'there to help' or there because he likes her". This is the gist of what was unconsciously perpetuated in this sleeping collective of humanity and what must be corrected to truly move forward.
Even if we are only willing (for now) to imagine the possibility of water being infinite and outward flowing and of the feminine being solid at her core (not void) then so much will be done to begin a major correction in our mental paradigm which will be REQUIRED for us to get to the next level - TOGETHER.
If your heart can feel the harmonic (different than linear/logical truth) that is stated here then congratulations and keep working on becoming a harmonic being by anchoring your light through the water of the body instead of the electrical system of the nerve fibers and the thought structures of the neurons in the brain. Doing this will continue to open you to up new and amazing abilities as well as a vastly enhanced state of harmonic beingness.
For the rest if you could just imagine that it might be possible for a second without having to line up the ABC's and the 123s of it all with the overly dominant logical mind then we will be grateful. It does not need to add up and be 'true' in order for you to briefly 'imagine' that it is and that is all that we ask, the rest we will prove to you over a short period of time.
There is a new type of mind (to us) that we are evolving into, one that does not use linear logic or mathematics as it's foundation of intellectual processing but instead uses harmonic variation as it's foundation.
This new (to us) type of mind is the residence of the beingness of Divinity itself and it wields a power that surpasses all powers and yet needs no power at all for it uses harmonics and communication to 'flex' it's 'will'!
All of the particles of consciousness that are the building blocks of ALL manifestations of ALL of the worlds in the Omniverse KNOW the voice/mind of divinity and joyfully spring into action to do it's bidding for they KNOW the ONE who CREATED them.
Thus it needs no power and yet can trump all power simply by using it's method of communication which we do not yet understand - Harmonics.
That is all we (collective) have to say for now but I (Michael Monk) will respond to all posts and private messages really soon I promise! The journey continues and I am learning things at an insane (to the rational mind) rate right now and that is what is most important because many of you already know that anything that I have or gain in my journey is soon to be yours if you want it.
I will ensure that each individual has the ability to, if they wish, access the fundamental knowledge I have gained in the easiest, simplest, fastest and purest way possible - I promise.
Love you ALL so very much and will reach out again soon, until then may you all be blessed and full of joy and ALLOW your heart to sing the joyous song of redemption and exaltation through the waters of your being.

Namaste and God Bless you ALL

ONE <3 <3 <3
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