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[Jan. 11th, 2023|01:08 am]
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A general purge of the current American republic is under way. In truth, it was founded in 1871 and is the play child of the American autocracy. It is to be toppled by the true, de facto NESARA Republic. The completion of this project remains unclear. We are told that the current incoming administration is to declare this republic, but we remain unconvinced of this and are laying out a blueprint to see that this does indeed occur. We have therefore concentrated on assuring that this goal stays on track and becomes a manifested reality. To that end, we are carefully observing this new administration to ensure that it still plans to announce the new republic. Once this does manifest, plans exist to spread a global alteration that is to modify how this worldwide geopolitical system operates. Until then, we are watching attentively to sense what is really developing in America. We intend to do whatever is necessary to transform the way your present reality works. We are determined to achieve total victory.

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