Shanas biedrs

[info]shanietis @ 10:54: Dziesma par aktuālo - veltījums Balto Tēvu slēpotājiem

Bought a souvenir in London
Got to hide it from my mom
Can't declare it at the Customs
But I'll have to take it home
Tried to keep it confidential
But the news is leaking out
Got a souvenir in London
There's a lot of it about
Yes, I found a bit of London
I'd like to lose it quick
Got to show it to my doctor
Cause it isn't going to shrink
Want to keep it confidential
But the truth is leaking out
Got a souvenir in London
There's a lot of it about


( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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