Shanas biedrs

[info]shanietis @ 11:54: Feodālisma atdzimšana
Lūk, ko topošie vergturi plāno: tas ir reāls e-pasts, nav spams, saturs ir pilnīgā saskaņā
ar rakstīto.

A two-day International Conference on Developing Human Capital for Sustainable Economies will be held from May 27th to 28th, 2010 in Karlsruhe, Germany. This event will bring together academia, sustainable development practitioners, business leaders, hr professionals, environmental management experts, members of government organisations and international development agencies, corporate advisors, business analysts, economists, policy makers and other stakeholders to discuss key emerging issues including:

Climate change and the emergence of the green economy;

Challenges and opportunities in the era of pro-environment regulatory framework and green consumerism;

How is the transformation from high to low carbon and sustainable economy impacting human capital management; and

Developing and managing human capital for the green economy.

Further to the knowledge sharing on greening human capital; the upcoming event also provides an excellent networking opportunity with relevant stakeholders in Europe and internationally. An excursion (optional) on Saturday the 29th of May, 2010 is planned which will also provide an additional networking opportunity in an informal environment to get to know academia, corporate leaders, human resource executives, sustainability management experts, members of government institutions and other stakeholders.

You are cordially invited to attend this international event and/ or nominate members of your organisation.

For further information, please see the event details:


Organizing Committee


International Conference on Human

Capital for Sustainable Economies


International Sustainability Initiative


Etech Germany

Dürkheimer Str. 24

D - 76187 Karlsruhe


Tel.: 0049-721- 476 89 16

Fax.: 0049-721- 476 89 53






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