Rupi Kaur ir gados ļoti jauna Kanādiešu rakstniece, kuras vecāki pārcēlušies no Indijas uz šo tālo zemi. Centieni izprast abu kultūru vērtības, sevi, dzīves sniegtos pakāpienus un nogāzes ir atspoguļoti, manuprāt, ļoti vienkāršās un saprotamās dzejas rindās.
Kaut gan neradās sajūta, ka rindas ir par mani, bija sajūta, ka rakstniece sarunājas, ļaujot ielūkoties savā pasaulē un dzīves uztverē.
Mazliet ieskatam:
take the complement
do not shy away from
another thing that belongs to you
it isn't blood that makes you my sister
it's how you understand my heart
as though you carry it
in your body
if you got more beautiful
the sun would leave its place
and come for you
-the chase
i went for my words
the can 'ts. i won' ts. i am not good enoughs.
i lined them up and shot them dead
then i went for my thoughts
invisible and everywhere
there was no time to gather them one by one
i had to wash them out
i wove a linen cloth out of my hair
soaked it in bowl of mint and lemon water
carried it in my mouth as i climbed
up my braid to the back of my head
down on my knees i began to wipe my mind clean
it took twenty one days
my knees bruised but
i did not care
i was not given the breath
in my lungs to choke it out
i would scrub to self-hate off the bone
till it exposed love
- self-love
r. k.