"This film fits into a particular kind of sub-genre: the story of two
lonely people, societal outcasts, who find comfort and solace with each
other. But again, it doesn’t treat this theme conventionally. For one
thing, Everett is initially dismissive and downright cruel to Maudie; he
frequently behaves unconscionably. The shack is too small for an extra
bed even though Maudie is going to be a live-in maid. So the two bundle
together on a mattress in what’s more or less an attic, and one night
Everett gets a notion, and Maudie tells him a sad story from her past. A
sad story that, we later learn, is in large part a lie. Eventually the
two do “lie together,” and Maudie insists on marriage. Which Everett
eventually capitulates to. This, it turns out, is his way. An orphan
himself, he likes to raise hell, in a grumbling way, about anyone who
makes a request of him. Then he grants the request, wordlessly. And so
it happens that Maudie gets permission to do the thing she loves most,
which is to paint [
Prieks, ka šī bija viena no manām Z-svētku filmām, jo brīžos, kad tik ļoti daudzi vēlas pārsteigt ar ko neredzētu, savā minimālismā - ar mazu mājiņu nekurienes vidū, kas diviem cilvēkiem var būt visa pasaule un vēstījumu - dzīve, kas citiem šķistu lēna un, iespējams, netaisnību pilna, var tik uztverta pavisam citādāk.
IMDb8 no 10