"Amidst a wild flat meadow encircled by an Edenic lush forest, a couple
has cocooned itself in a secluded grand mansion that was not so long ago
burned to the ground, devotedly restored by the supportive wife. Within
this safe environment, the once famous middle-aged poet husband is
desirous of creating his magnum opus, however, he seems unable to break
out of the persistent creative rut that haunts him. And then,
unexpectedly, a knock at the door and the sudden arrival of a cryptic
late-night visitor and his intrusive wife will stimulate the writer's
stagnant imagination, and much to the perplexed wife's surprise, the
more chaos he lets in their haven, the better for his punctured male
ego. In the end, will this incremental mess blemish irreparably the
couple's inviolable sanctuary?" [
Interese par filmu man radās režisora dēļ, jo divas no iepriekš redzētajām "The fountain" un "Requiem for a dream" ir to filmu vidū, ko pat noskatoties tikai vienreiz, domāju, ka atcerēšos ļoti, ļoti ilgi gan savdabības, gan līdzpārdzīvojuma dēļ.
Tomēr šī man nešķita uzrunājoša. Cenšoties rast izskaidrojumu - iespējams bībeles atsauces, kulta (ko varēja uztvert arī mazliet citādāk - vienkāršākajā līmenī tā ir lieta ar ko aizrāvušies ir tūkstoši - savas privātās dzīves publiskošanu un zināmu atļauju pilnīgiem svešiniekiem iejaukties tajā) un cilvēku ietekmi uz vidi... viss šķita mazliet pārāk acīmredzams, tajā pat laikā neradot itin nekādas sajūtas.
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