The series is the story of a hard-partying Los Angeles doctor serving a very specific clientele, the kind with a lot of cash and a lot of secrets.
After Dr. William Rush was dismissed from a major L.A. hospital, he
entered "concierge" medicine, making personal visits to the homes and
workplaces of wealthy clients and Hollywood celebrities who need his
care, often with no questions asked. Rush demands payment in cash, often
thousands of dollars, and in advance. But some of that money is used to
feed his drug habit, and one of the characters in the show, Manny
Maquis, is his drug supplier. Dr. Alex Burke is his best friend who,
unlike Rush, is still practicing at a major hospital and trying to be a
faithful husband and dad. Eve Parker is Rush's personal assistant who
not only sets Rush's medical appointments with patients, but also tries
to keep him on track, despite her knowledge of his drug and alcohol use.
Atkarības un attiecības ar labako draugu mazliet atgādināja Hausu MD, bet medicīniskā daļa ir gana vienkārši uztverama ikvienam, tomēr korekta.
Domāju, ka kārtējo reizi aizrāva "labā-sliktā" varoņa tēls, kā arī sākumā mazliet nevarēju noticēt daudzajām līdzībām ar "Lucifer".
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