Reizēm ir tā, ka daži vārdi no sarunām, filmām, intervijām paliek atmiņā ļoti ilgu laiku, citus - negribas piemirst.
S.S. "Why you act?"
A.S. " I suppose it’s a desire in some way to try and tell the truth. You
know, to tell the truth about something. And really trying and really
being honest about how you feel, and I suppose, that’s the greatest…You
know of course one does it to a certain extent for attention in some
way. But I do find doing interviews, to a certain extent, quite
difficult … because I suppose journalists, to me, get the truth, and
they make a story about it. And what we do I suppose, is to make a
story, and then tell the truth."
Chasing Cotards, 2010 - 13.28min īsā fimā viņam to izdodas izdarīt tik patiesi un īsti, cik vien tas šķiet iespējams. Stāsts ir par zaudējumu, kas padara par atspulgu no cilvēka, kas reiz bijis.