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[10. Aug 2005|11:26]
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Date:10. Augusts 2005 - 11:34
The largest group in the Radical Reformation prior to 1550, the Anabaptists felt that the first baptism one received did not count, and, that one must prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. Radicals in every sense of the word, the Anabaptists took the city of Munster in Westphalia, near Germany. They seized the property of non-believers, burned all books except for the Bible and practiced polygamy, while proclaiming the Day of Judgement was coming. They were condemned from all sides, and defeated by an army lead by the Lutherian prince Phillip of Hesse.
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Date:10. Augusts 2005 - 11:37
nu kāda tas taču bija jādara