oi oi we are gonna praise The LORD
bananas piedziivojumi
Commenting To 
8th-Mar-2005 04:10 pm

"But I know that You are guiding me, that my best is yet to come, You are givin' me hope for tomorrow, I know someday I wake up to find, Your glory defined, now I finally bow down at Your feet, I lift up Your Name ir honour and praise... I know that I'll be running home to You.
It's always the simple things, it's always the obvious that crashes ower me. It's always in font of me, that helps me to remember, that this is what I live for, and I can't wait till I wake up to find, Your glory defined, now I finally bow down at Your feet, I lift up Your Name ir honour and praise... I miss never a question in Your message, never a moment without Your presance, there is no doubt in my mind, that I wake up to find, Your glory defined, now I finally bow down at Your feet, I lift up Your Name ir honour and praise... "

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