
j'adore french

Jan. 26th, 2006 | 05:20 pm
No:: san

No: "Thomas" <>
Sūtīts: 2006-01-25 17:13:55.06
Kam: san
Par: Smootchy New Year

My dear San,

How incongruous! I know... Only in France has laziness been institutionalized to the point of allowing people to send their seasonal greetings up until the very end of January.

So, kindly allow me to have the great pleasure of wishing you a smashing, hitting, wonderful, successful, smootchiful and blissful year, yeah, nonetheless, why indulging into understatement when and where hyperbole can be? What else? Keep your great eyes, great to look from, and I am waiting for your next photo exhibition, great to look at, and I look forward to having the opportunity to mirror myself in them.

Besides this? Well, the usual recipe to make a good year: lots of parties, fountains of champagne, never ending journeys to the end of the world, inspiring encounters, love, fame and beauty!

These season's greetings were sponsored by: YSL, Moet&Chandon, Christian Lacroix.



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