(no subject)
Jan. 8th, 2011 | 08:27 pm
No:: san
šaubos vai vingrotājam ir kāds sakars ar čigānu āfterlaifu. Visdrīzāk, ka tas ir tikai zīmējums - lai viss būtu kā pienākas. zināms, taču, ka čigāni "it kā" pieņem ticību, kāda ir mītnes valstī, bet reāli praktizē savas čigānu tradīcijas.
Re, ko atradu:
Afterlife: Romanies had a concept of Good and Evil forces. Dead relatives were looked after loyally. The soul enters a world like the world of the living, except that death does not exist. The soul lingers near the body and sometimes wants to live again.
Ta nav nekāds brīnums, ka kaps pievilina dzīvās meičas...
Re, ko atradu:
Afterlife: Romanies had a concept of Good and Evil forces. Dead relatives were looked after loyally. The soul enters a world like the world of the living, except that death does not exist. The soul lingers near the body and sometimes wants to live again.
Ta nav nekāds brīnums, ka kaps pievilina dzīvās meičas...