
Rudens baklažāni

Oct. 9th, 2010 | 12:58 pm
No:: san

Rudenī vīramāte vedeklai nedod baklažānus - tādu senu japāņu parunu man vēstulē atsūtīja japāņu darba devējs. Kautko tik gudru sen nebija gadījies dzirdēt! Te teiciena skaidrojums

Vēstules teksts pilnībā:
Dear Santa-san,

Hello, how are you?
I hope you had a nice weekend.

The hot and humid days have ended, but we have cool and rainy weather
these days.
I harvested several eggplants in my small garden last weekend. In the
Japanese old proverb, they are said to be more tasty in autumn rather
than in summer, as it goes "Mother-in-law don't give the autumn
eggplants to daughter-in-law"...

Today we are sending you September payment list.

If you have any question, please let us know.
Thank you very much in advance!
with best regards

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