rausitis [userpic]

The wheel of time

September 27th, 2004 (12:12 pm)

Human beings are not objects; they have no solidity. Thay are round, luminous beings; they are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help them, to make their passage on earth convenient.

Human beings are perceivers, but the world that they perceive is an illusion: an illusion created by the description that was told to them from the moment they were born.
The human form is a conglomerate of energy fields which exists in the universe, and which is related excusively to human beings. Shamans call it the human form because those energy fields have been bent and contorted by a life-time of habits and misuse


Posted by: lst ([info]lestat)
Posted at: September 29th, 2004, 04:43 pm

interesanti :)

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