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11th. Mar, 2014 | 03:05 pm
music: Amiina

“Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.”

— Andrew Boyd

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Comments {3}



from: [info]elpa
date: 11th. Mar, 2014 - 03:17 pm


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from: [info]elpa
date: 11th. Mar, 2014 - 03:18 pm

vienīgi mēģināju to Andrew Boy iegūglēt, un man piedāvāja "Set near the Royal Botanic Gardens, Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool is an accessible facility offering swimming lessons" :D un tad atklāju, ka pietrūkst d burta beigās!

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from: [info]safe
date: 11th. Mar, 2014 - 03:22 pm

nu re, tagad nevienam nebūs jāmeklē peldbaseini ;)

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