brīnišķīga daiļliteratūras grāmata par pieaugšanu un saņemšanos, un harmonizēšanos ar pasauli - noteikti labākā, ko esmu lasījusi ilgā laikā. (lai gan vispār jau nav brīnums, ņemot vērā, cik maz ne-akadēmiskas literatūras sanācis lasīt pēdējā laikā)
un tik ļoti skaisti parāda, ka kaut kāda vispārēja persōnības integrity tādā nemainīgu pārliecību formātā ir diezgan ļoti muļķības - protams, it kā jau pašsaprotami, bet liekas, ka bieži (piemēram, friendlistē ar zināmu regularitāti) cilvēkus tas šausmīgi uztrauc, fundamentālas pārmaiņas sevī, vēlmju un nostāju nepastāvība. bet tas taču ir tik dabiski, skaisti un pa īstam. the only real constant is change.
un vispār, kā gan lai nepatiktu grāmata, kur maģijas pamats lielā mērā atgādina manas iemīļotās/uni programmas centrālās antropolōģijas teōrijas?
(interesanti, vai autōre ir lasījusi/zina par timu.)
"I thought, sitting there, that everything is magic. Using things connects you to the world, the sun streams down magic and people and animals and plants grow from sunlight and the world turns and everything is magic. Fairies are more in the magic than in the world, and people are more in the world than in the magic. Maybe fairies, the ones that aren't lost dead people, are concentrations, personifications, of the magic? And God? God is in everything, moving through everything, is the pattern that everything makes, moving." //Jo Walton, Among Others
"knowledge is grounded in experience, understood as a coupling of the movement of one’s awareness to the movement of aspects of the world. Experience, in this sense, does not mediate between mind and nature, since these are not separated in the first place. It is rather intrinsic to the process of being alive to the world. This is linked to a view of personhood in which the self is seen to inhere in the unfolding of the relations set up by virtue of its positioning in an environment. (..) Life is not the realisation of pre-specified forms but the very process wherein forms are generated and held in place. Every being, as it is caught up in the process and carries it forward, arises as a singular centre of awareness and agency: an enfoldment, at some particular nexus within it, of the generative potential that is life itself." //Tim Ingold, The Perception of the Environment
"Producers, both human and non-human, do not so much transform the world, impressing their preconceived designs upon the material substrate of nature, as play their part from within in the world’s transformation of itself. Growing into the world, the world grows in them. (..) the material flows and currents of sensory awareness [are] within which both ideas and things reciprocally take shape. (..) In place of the material world, populated by solid objects, our eyes [should be] opened to a world of materials, including earth, air and water, in which all is in flux and transformation." //Tim Ingold, Being Alive
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let it always be known that i was who i am
cukursēne (saccharomyces) wrote on May 21st, 2013 at 07:03 pm
among others