cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on November 23rd, 2012 at 01:57 pm
from pastor with love
esmu saņēmusi savu pirmo "kristiešu" sektantu vēstuli aberdīnā (iekavās manas atbildes reakcijas) :

CHRIST EMBASSY ABERDEEN, [..] FROM THE PASTOR (!protams, pats ar savu roku rakstījis, vai ne.)

Dearly Beloved, (d'aaaaww)


We specially invite you to fellowship with us at Christ Embassy Aberdeen. We believe that as you do, you will develop a close relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit will touch your life in a very special way (ok, šis jau izklausās mazliet aizdomīgi, varbūt esiet drusku specifiskāki par to, kādi tad būs tie īpašie pieskārieni?) and give your life a meaning.

Christ Embassy is not just a church; it is a vision, God's vision. Our vision is to "take God's divine presence to the peoples of the world and to demonstrate the character of the Holy Spirit". In other words, He has called us to reveal the Person of Jesus to all humanity (visai ambiciōzi. nez, cik vienkārši vai sarežģīti ir to panākt, esot bāzētiem vienā no pasaules ietekmīgākajām un bagātākajām valstīm - nigērijā). To learn more about the ministry and the church, we kindly recommend that you to visit (gramatikas kļūdas nerosina uzticamību!) any of the following ministry websites & (omg, omg, vai tur var pačatot ar pašu mācītāju?!?!)

At our church services, the Word of God comes alive to every individual (hm, confindent much.. un ko tad, ja man tā nenotiek? varu sūdzēties kaut kādā patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības biedrībā?), as God's manifested presence is always there to grant understanding to each hearer (what about deaf people? they not invited?). That's why we encourage you to fellowship with us on the address below. Also, we take the opportunity to invite you to attend our Believers Loveworld (lol, izklausās pēc bordeļa) Campus Fellowship, which holds every Saturday at the Hillhead Music Room by 5.00PM. This will surely give you a "good start" (ok, un kā lai es dabūju īstu good start? pēdiņās liktais jau parasti nozīmē, ka to nevar uztvert kā patiesību, ja tas nav citāts!).

We believe that as you keep fellowshipping with us, all of your unanswered questions will be answered and you would have a successful stay in Aberdeen. (lieliski, kā gan lai netic šādiem solījumiem? sounds totally valid! un vēl, pēc cik ilga laika es varēšu dabūt tās atbildes? mani ļoti interesē, kā nopelnīt pirmo miljōnu.) If you require further information or need someone to talk with, please contact us on the following phone numbers[..]

May God bless you!

Yours in Christ
Pastor Paul Abolade (hmph, kāpēc nav pastor chris kā interneta lapā? i want chris-who-has-a-webpage to send me a letter, not some unimportant paul.)
Pastor, Christ Embassy Aberdeen
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