cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on September 27th, 2022 at 11:38 pm
so wholesome
OMG, Netflix ir sevi attaisnojis kaut vai ar to, ka uzražoja Heartstopper un tagad - Heartbreak High. such wholesome queer representation. pizģec, cik labi, ka šie seriāli eksistē, cik lieliski, ka šī brīža jauniešiem un pusaudžiem tas ir pieejams, aaaAAAAaaaaaaAaAaAaAAAAAAA!!!!

spot on: "Heartbreak High [is] a very queer, very character-driven drama that understands teens are both very complex and also very simplistic in the ways they view conflict and drama. At every turn, they self-sabotage and make “bad” choices. But amid the mess, they also find ways to love and hold each other. So many hearts are broken in so many different ways over the course of the season. But the show is full of heart and healing, too."
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