ja šis apgalvojums ir balstīts manis šeit ievietotajā citātā, tad varēšu tevi iepriecināt, ka šai gadījumā ir izdarīts nepamatots vispārinājums. citātu izvēlējos es, grāmatā ir gana daudz arī par pestīšanu un citām tēmām.
bet mani ļoti iepriecina, ka autore pievērš nopietnu uzmanību tam, ka pastāv zināma tendence dažādām kristiešu kopienām aiziet paštaisnā tīksmināšanās par sevi un savu dievbijīgumu procesā, kur vārdiem (pie tiem ieskaitot arī visas rituāla darbības) ir lielāka nozīme nekā reāliem darbiem, kas veikti, lai paši tad arī ieguldītu tajā dieva valstības īstenošanā.
un vispār jau nemaz nav tā, ka bībeles tekstos un kristietībā kā sociālā kustībā nav runa par sociālo taisnīgumu; tas nav nekas jauns vai šīs mācītājas no zila gaisa izdomāts.
"Jim Wallis, a founder of the Sojourner Community in Washington, D.C., tells the story of having an intern cut out every reference to economic justice in a Bible. When Wallis later waved the Bible around during a sermon, it looked moth-eaten. He did the same exercise with another Bible, eliminating references to sexual morality, and the text appeared whole. (..) We may think of approaching God primarily in prayer and in worship. In the Bible, God seems less interested in how offerings are made and what words we use. Instead, justice is named as true worship (..) Christian communities have historically created social institutions involved with the whole person: schools and hospitals as well as churches and monasteries. Often all of these institutions were combined in one mission site. Justice asks that, along with these acts of mercy and compassion, we work to undo institutions that perpetuate sin, the “principalities and powers” in the letters of Paul that create the conditions of suffering. Our church does not believe injustice is preordained. (..) In her seminal text, The Dream of God, [Verna Dozier] announced: “I believe the Christian church has distorted the call, narrowed it from a call to transform the world to a call to save the souls of individuals who hear and heed a specific message, narrowed it from a present possibility to a future fulfillment.”"
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let it always be known that i was who i am
cukursēne (
saccharomyces) wrote on December 30th, 2017 at 08:45 pm