cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on April 13th, 2017 at 03:37 pm
making life easier
"Remember that one way in which imbalances in emotional labor manifest themselves is that it always ends up being the job of the person who does the bulk of it to start these conversations and to let you know that they’re overwhelmed by the amount of emotional labor they have to do."

man vispār šķiet, ka ir negodīgi tas, cik daudz emotional labour man vajag ieguldīt pašai sevi. man liekas, ka tas ir neadekvāti daudz, cik ļoti man jāpūlas savas jūtas definēt un sakārtot, un skaidrot sev un citiem, man ir apnicis meklēt mierinājumu, kāpēc es nevarētu būt normālāka?
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