cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on April 2nd, 2017 at 06:23 pm
paldies par kūkām
ha, tagad man ir zinātnisks pamatojums tam, kāpēc es visu laiku cepu kūkas!!!
tā ir mana mindfulness meditācija, yo. tāpat kā peldēšana, tikai citādāk.

“Baking actually requires a lot of full attention. You have to measure, focus physically on rolling out dough. If you’re focusing on smell and taste, on being present with what you’re creating, that act of mindfulness in that present moment can also have a result in stress reduction,” explains [associate professor of psychological and brain sciences at Boston University, Donna] Pincus. (..)
“Baking is thinking step-by-step and following the specifics of the here and now, but it’s also thinking about recipes as a whole, the dish as a whole, what are going to do with it, who it’s going to, what time are you sharing it, so baking is a really good way of developing that balance of the moment and the bigger picture,” says [licensed social worker and a culinary art therapist Julie] Ohana.
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