20 February 2014 @ 04:42 pm
let's discuss  
atradu brīnišķīgu drukas kļūdu savā m.darbā -
"government had already scheduled a pubic discussion"

cik labi, ka es to atradu tagad, nevis vēl pirms darbs tika novērtēts, tad drošvien būtu galvenokārt bijis briesmīgi kauns un bail, tagad - vienkārši vārtos pa zemi smieklos.
20 February 2014 @ 10:32 pm
i wanted my spine to be the spine of an unpublished book  
I said to the sun, tell me about the Big Bang.
The sun said, 'It hurts to become.'

(For the record, if you have ever done anything for attention, this poem is attention, title it with your name.)