tātad, pabeidzu lasīt radical honesty grāmatiņu. sākotnējā sajūsma noplakusi, noteikti tagad vairs nemētātos apkārt ar tik cītīgiem piedāvājumiem citiem to lasīt, drīzāk norādītu tikai uz vērtīgo izvilkumu kompilāciju. jo vienā brīdī patiešām sāka likties, ka autors vienkārši ir pārāk aizrāvies ar vēlmi būt RADIKĀLI ATŠĶIRĪGAM, izdarīt kaut ko "vairāk", nekā vienkārši pateikt saprātīgas lietas, kas ir fundamentālas, bet ne fundamentāli jaunas. viens paņēmiens, ko viņš izmanto, ir rakstības stils (tāds it kā humõrīgs, visai mačo un diezgan plaši lamuvārdu piepildīts), bet tad tas tā kā nedaudz apsīkst un parādās kaut kāds tāds drusku viszinības un pretrunu aromāts. vispār jau tāda visnotaļ patronizējoša attieksme vijas cauri visam tekstam, kas mani nedaudz mulsina. vēl mani nedaudz kaitina ezotēriskie iestarpinājumi (jāatzīst - nav ĻOTI daudz, bet ir - blāblāblā enerģijas, blāblāblā dievišķā dzirksts mātes klēpī, umm, nu, labi, lai nu tā būtu) un tādi vienkāršojumi (piemēram, pasaka par vienradzi, kuras iznākums ir TIK ACMĪREDZAMS jau no pirmās rindkopas), kas brīžiem atstāj iespaidu, ka autors lasītāju tur par muļķi.
šī goodreads mini recenzija diezgan labi atbilst tam, ko domāju par šo grāmatu, tāpēc tā vietā, lai pati daudz drukātu, vienkārši iekopēšu:
This book is brash, confident, strong, results-oriented, opinionated, simple, and straightforward to the point of over-simplifying. It also has New Age-y sub-themes that will put off some, but that's another matter.
The book's basic point is sound -- honesty is the best policy. However, the implementation of that policy, as described in "Radical Honesty", is not very nuanced. It is a shock program most properly applied to people who are consciously or unconsciously living out self-destructive scripts that they internalized from somewhere or another, for people who are being deeply, fundamentally dishonest with themselves and with others. It is for people who could use a real shaking up, to break free from the false security and real stress of a false persona.
That's fine as far as it goes. However, if you were to apply the principles of radical honesty indiscriminately in your daily life, you would be a jerk, basically, and you wouldn't be able to get anything done in society. It's best considered for bringing health to broken intimate relationships among adults.
On this point, a quote from Khalil Gibran comes to mind:
"If indeed you must be candid, be candid beautifully."
The stark candidness prescribed in "Radical Honesty" is not beautiful, it is raw and ultimately self-centered. It's for emergency use, like approaching the task of redecorating by burning your house down and starting over.
That said, personally I found the author's brash style to be refreshing and likeable. As always, the reader should just extract the personally valuable stuff out of his collection of techniques and his overall message, and simply ignore the rest.
lūk, esmu briesmīgs nelegālis, visi, kam ir vēlēšanās, varat arī ņemt un paši izlasīt: pdf, mobi, epub
šī goodreads mini recenzija diezgan labi atbilst tam, ko domāju par šo grāmatu, tāpēc tā vietā, lai pati daudz drukātu, vienkārši iekopēšu:
This book is brash, confident, strong, results-oriented, opinionated, simple, and straightforward to the point of over-simplifying. It also has New Age-y sub-themes that will put off some, but that's another matter.
The book's basic point is sound -- honesty is the best policy. However, the implementation of that policy, as described in "Radical Honesty", is not very nuanced. It is a shock program most properly applied to people who are consciously or unconsciously living out self-destructive scripts that they internalized from somewhere or another, for people who are being deeply, fundamentally dishonest with themselves and with others. It is for people who could use a real shaking up, to break free from the false security and real stress of a false persona.
That's fine as far as it goes. However, if you were to apply the principles of radical honesty indiscriminately in your daily life, you would be a jerk, basically, and you wouldn't be able to get anything done in society. It's best considered for bringing health to broken intimate relationships among adults.
On this point, a quote from Khalil Gibran comes to mind:
"If indeed you must be candid, be candid beautifully."
The stark candidness prescribed in "Radical Honesty" is not beautiful, it is raw and ultimately self-centered. It's for emergency use, like approaching the task of redecorating by burning your house down and starting over.
That said, personally I found the author's brash style to be refreshing and likeable. As always, the reader should just extract the personally valuable stuff out of his collection of techniques and his overall message, and simply ignore the rest.
lūk, esmu briesmīgs nelegālis, visi, kam ir vēlēšanās, varat arī ņemt un paši izlasīt: pdf, mobi, epub