cukursēne ([info]saccharomyces) wrote on March 6th, 2016 at 10:05 pm
double it!
lielisks raksts, un tā daļa par "why not twice as good" - tik ļoti mans netikums.

ja slikti - neciešu un nicinu sevi, ja labi, tad citēju mammu, kura manī efektīvi iedrillēja "vienmēr var labāk", kas diemžēl ātri vien veiksmīgi attīstījās par "nekad nav labi diezgan".

"No matter how good things are in your life, you can always find a way to hate yourself. So, you can hate yourself even when you feel proud of an accomplishment. (..) When you are happy about something, double it, then hate yourself for not having more.(..) No matter how great you're doing, you can always hate yourself for not doing twice as well."
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