What is the province of psychology? I suggest the word curing. But what kind of curing? I do not want to be cured of my habit of choosing the colors orange and black; nor do I want to be cured of smoking; nor of my liking for a bottle of beer. No teacher has the right to cure a child of making noises on a drum. The only curing that should be practiced is the curing of unhappiness. The difficult child is the child who is unhappy. He is at war with himself; and in consequence, he is at war with the world.
The difficult adult is in the same boat. No happy man ever disturbed a meeting or preached a war, or lynched a Negro. No happy woman ever nagged her husband or her children. No happy man ever committed a murder or a theft. No happy employer ever frightened his employees. All crimes, all hatred, all wars can be reduced to unhappiness. This book is an attempt to show how unhappiness arises, how it ruins human lives, and how children can be reared so that much of this unhappiness will never arise.
//A.S.Neill, Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing
man arī ļoti šķiet, ka nostāja "We have no new methods of teaching, because we do not consider that teaching in itself matters very much. Whether a school has or has not a special method for teaching long division is of no significance, for long division is of no importance except to those who want to learn it. And the child who wants to learn long division will learn it no matter how it is taught." ir neveiksmīga un pārspīlēta, jo, nu, lielākoties ir grūti vai pat neiespējami gribēt iemācīties kaut ko, par kā eksistenci pat nenojaut, tāpēc tomēr jēdzīgs satura skaidrojums un kompetenti skolotāji ir svarīgi. bet nu, 'twas the sixties.
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let it always be known that i was who i am
cukursēne (saccharomyces) wrote on January 19th, 2014 at 07:33 pm
the bold and the beautiful