Maijs 5., 2007

kaa jau soliits - kompileishaans .man vismaz shitais viss baigi patiik, liela dalja droshivien dzirdeeta, tas jau te taads puspops sanaak

01 Smashing Pumpkins - the everlasting gaze
02 Drugstore + Thom Yorke - el president
03 Ima Robot - dynomite
04 The Bird and The Bee - again & again
05 Jaga Jazzist - stardust hotel
06 Muse - dead star
07 Laibach - across the universe (the beatles cover)
08 Marnie Stern - grapefruit
09 Cutting Pink With Knifes - hey, cowboy
10 Zutons - pressure point
11 Yaputhma Sound System - I Wish I Could C Now

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