

4. Oktobris 2010

11:10: Pārprofilēšanās, projekts Nr.2
Mīļo draudziņ, šitas žurnāls pārprofilējas par tievēšanas žurnālu, ēšana un vingrošana, tā teikt, ēšana, vingrošana un veselīgs dzīvesveids. Manas personības citas puses jūs tāpat garām nepalaidīsiet, es zinu.

11:35: Spēka vingrojumi resnīšiem, 2 nedēļa

You’ve booked 2-3 days to get to the gym, now do it. Bring your notebook and record what weights you use, and how many reps of each you do, as well as how you feel.
Here’s your routine. You will do this at least 2 days a week, making sure to get at least one rest day in between. Remember good form. Most of these exercises, except the lat pulldown and calf raise, are designed to be done with free weights. If you don’t have access to machines, then do rows instead of lat pulls and single legged calf raises on a step, holding a dumbbell. These exercises require minimal equipment: all you need is a bench and a barbell and/or dumbbell (you can modify all exercises to be done with dumbbells).
If you get out of breath, take breaks as needed, but aim for about 1-2 minutes rest between sets.
1. Warmup: 2-3 minutes of light cardio (slow walking on the treadmill is good)
2. Gentle dynamic stretching: get the joints moving by gently bending them and slowly moving them through their range of motion
3. Squat with no added weight (hold on to something sturdy for balance if you need to), 1 set of as many reps as you can manage (work up to 20), through as full a range of motion as you can do
4. Lat pulldown, 1 set of 10-12 reps
5. Bench press, 1 set of 10-12 reps
6. Dumbbell shoulder press, 1 set of 10-12 reps (ideally do these standing, but you can do seated if you feel very unbalanced)
7. Dumbbell or cable row, 1 set of 10-12 reps
8. Calf raises, 1 set of 12-15 reps
9. Ab crunches, 1 set of as many as you can do
10. Cooldown: gentle static stretching for 5 minutes
Cardio is optional at this point, but if you feel up to it, do 5-10 minutes of gentle walking after your workout.You’ve booked 2-3 days to get to the gym, now do it. Bring your notebook and record what weights you use, and how many reps of each you do, as well as how you feel.

Avots: http://www.stumptuous.com/no-fat-chicks. Tiešām derīgs. Plānoju sākt kaut kad uz nedēļas beigām.

22:10: mantra uz trenažiera un reizesrēķins
mantra uz trenažiera (30 min. programma uz eliptiskā (crosstrainer)) pēc vienpadsmitās līdz divdesmitdevītajai minūtei ir šāda: mother fucker, mother fucer, mother fucker, fuck, fuck, fuck. izpildīta soļu ritmā, dabiski.

skaitot mantru un ar vienu aci skatoties "my big, fat greek wedding" mazajā televizorā izdomāju, ka vienā kilogramā tauku ir starp 8000 un 9000 kcal (pieņemam, ka 8500), ja man ir rupji rēķinot vēl viens rumpīts ar mīkstumiem, tas nozīmē, ka esmu pārēdusi 8500 x 50 = 425000 kcal. pusstunda uz eliptiskā ir apmēram 550 kcal tātad 772,72 reizes uz eliptiskā trenaržiera = mother fucker, mother fucker, mother fucker, fuck, fuck, fuck. un tas pie nosacījuma, ka man izdosies noturēt rāmjos otru vienādojuma pusi, ēšanu. bļa. nomācošs pasākums. bļa.

uz optimistiskākas nots, šodienas minimums, 4 km (O.K., kilometri mazliet noapaļoti uz augšu, bet liela skriešana un spaidīšanās un slidināšanās no slidkalniņa ar bērnu arī skaitās) un 30 minūtes uz eliptiskā trenažiera izpildītas.

a.p. putra ar rozīnēm,
kuskuss ar kaltētiem tomātiem, endīvijām (cigoriņiem), baziliku, koriandru un cāļuzirņiem (lieli, balti ar knābīti)
seleriju biezenis, c-gaļa, kartupeļubiezenis, raķešsalāti (hwz. kā latviski sauc)

pusdienās pāršāvu pār strīpu ar porcijām. citādi visādi, O.K. diena. pagājšnedēļ -0,8 kg.

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