09:18 am
09:31 am
The Midget Z Rejected By NATO after being used to Kill Off 90% of able Military aged Ukrainian Men
The only good news is that a whole lot of hot, young Ukrainian women will be available going forward.
Eastern Slavs age like milk.
Yes... they turn into Gypsy hags that curse you with ancient spells that make your dick shrink
#aprēķins #čigānietes #tirgus #pirmās-personas-šūters
09:57 am
10:35 am
10:37 am
Kur vēl klimatam draudzīgākus dziesmu svētkus kā vakariņās pēc pilnas deju dienas ķieģelīc ar gurķi?
#maratons #5%-freight #kaimiņa-govs #klizmata-kontrole
p.s. Klimats gājienā pats arī nebija visai draudzīgs. Nākamais gājiens būs ar draudzīgāku klimatu or else. #nanospoguļi-stratosfērā
10:48 am
11:00 am
01:02 pm
Pieņēmums - doma, ideja, spriedums, priekšstats, ko uzskata par patiesu, parasti bez stingra pamatojuma.
> ar partneri nesaskaņots pieņēmums
Tāds pieņēmums, kurš apejot visus dabas inkluzivitātes likumus, ir pieņemts vienpersoniski un nelegāli, bez konsultēšanās ar tv zombokasti un/vai bez jaunākā viedokļa lejupielādes no Safe&Effective™️ autoritāšu kurētiem avotiem.
#how-dare-you #neapbižo-klimatu #don't-look-up #sweet-sweet-pornogrāfija
01:25 pm
Prikolo šitais arguments, ka mūsdienās pārmest man kā vegānam, ka es ēdu arī gaļu, ir tikpat kā apgalvot, ka tikai vīriešiem ir pimpji.
Jā, es esmu vegāns, un jā, es ēdu gaļu, bigot.
#preop-vegāns #sievišķais-pimpīc #did-you-just-assume #vag/ene
02:58 pm
> visa šī mega giga aizsardzība, ko mums sniedz vakcīna
Kāda vēl aizsardzība? Man viņa nekādu aizsardzību nesniedz, a uz tavu aizsardzību man mīksto uzlikt, kur nu vēl bakstīt adatu plecā.
#jā-bet #aizsargā-mani-plīz #parex-apdrošināšana #90to-jumts
04:43 pm
> No one besides me wears a mask out in public. Mother and step father say that they think their boosters will be fine but i had all recommended boosters + mask and still got it from an aunt who didn’t wear a mask back in September. I tell them this and they don’t care. They keep saying that I am going to just have to get over it when i’d rather not get COVID a 3rd time when I swear my raynaud’s got worse, along with my appetite and sinus problems after getting it a second time. my mom has gotten it once and complains how it fucked up her voice box but doesn’t care and still won’t mask. I had to beg her to mask at an international airport when we were flying from Denver to Yellowstone. I am so sick (literally) of people
04:48 pm
Tested positive for the first time. Fever, sweats, body aches and shooting pains in weird places. I read about long covid a lot, probably too much cos I had a lot of issues after the shot. Luckily most are gone two years after. So based on my reading I take the below supplements/drugs: NAC Magnesium Antihistamine Diosmin (i take it anyway for mild venous insufficiency) Sulodexide (mild bloodthinner) Rutin Vitamin D Melatonin LDN (im on it for post jab issues) CBD oil
04:52 pm
Es sarokojos ar vīriešiem un sievietēm moš čau pasaku, ja neaizmirstu ievērot.
#kā-tam-arī-jābūt #seksisms #stikla-griesti #dzelzs-apakšbikses