
July 13th, 2023

02:01 am

> CDC and WHO forgot to tell the covid virus that the pandemic is over...

#japan #9th-wave #no-tracking-of-variants #chill-bruh

03:13 am

So my mom just talked to our neighbor with confirmed covid for like 30 minutes outside. She stood in his front yard....he had a mask on, not her tho, and was roughly 8 ft. But I am nervous because it's his yard. And obviously he walks around his own yard.

She thinks because they're outside she's safe. What do you guys think are the chances she caught it again? I don't know how to get it through her head how contagious it is. She caught covid from an antique fair in jan and it gave my dad a TIA and gave me horrible ibs-d and an internal hemorrhoid. I almost went to the ER bc literally couldn't eat.

I was thinking like if it had been 15 minutes with him, I wouldn't worry but it was awhile. Earlier today she went out to eat with a 2-3 relatives. Inside. I know that's higher risk in a way? But also not because they probably don't have covid. It's like a stressful math puzzle to me.

#kaimiņa-pagalms #kaimiņš-staigā #15min-pagalms #māf-problēmas

03:37 am

fAr rIgHt supremacy

12:24 pm

how to resortina 1001

03:53 pm

Prikoloja examplis, ka meibī klimatam draudzīgāk ir pisties ar dzīvniekiem nevis ar cilvēkiem. Varu pilnībā noticēt, ja to stumtu Rīta Panorāmā Pavļuts vai Rinkēvičs, būtu daļa sabiedrības, kas sāktu pist dzīvniekus.

#teits #pišanās-pēda #pišanās-izmeši #ēd-tārpus-pis-vistas

08:07 pm

#nē-ir-nē #atstādināšana #miokardīts #antivakseri
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