
May 23rd, 2023

08:18 am

iedomājies kautkur kanādā: pēc gadiem ilgas depresijas, kā saulstariņš dzīvē parādās eitanāzija, un beidzot ir atkal dzīvesprieks, kautkas kā dēļ dzīvot

ķipa, tu vairs negribi nomirt? nē, kopš iestājos rindā uz eitanāziju, jūtos ļoti pacilāti un viegli, ir vēlme no rīta agri celties un visu dienu darīt lietas, like eitanāzija izmainīja manu dzīvi, nezinu kur es būtu bez eitanāzijas, drošvien jau beigts

ķipa, eitanāzija kā mazs prieciņš dzīvē, kura tev nerūp, like wtf, ķipa varētu dzīvot mūžīgi, ja vien eitanāzija būtu divreiz dienā

#kur-loģika #priecīgie-miroņi #bēdīgam-jāmirst #eitanāzija-iepriecina

08:28 am

ķipa, varētu dzīvot mūžīgi, bet likumā svītrots "tiesības nomirt" un aizstāts ar "pienākums nomirt"

oh well, bet mums bij good intentions sākumā, vismaz tas skaitās

#vai-ne #time's-up #pak-jōr-šit #kas-tev-nerūp-klimats-bigot?

03:10 pm

How we feeling about additional shots? Have you filled out all four slots on your HHS cards? I’m curious about the future uptake of additional boosters and quadrivalent variants.

I get vaccinated anytime I can, there’s something almost erotic about getting them now that really turns me on

Anything papa pFauci (500 MBUH) recommends, I take two of

04:57 pm

she laments that every time she has applied for a promotion .. she has been turned down, only to see an unvaccinated co-worker be awarded the job

prejudice against the vaccinated is a growing trend .. 2023 is ‘opposite year’ for hiring

What these people don’t understand is that the ‘Compliance Employee’ days are over. With the economy in a recession companies want producers, people who make things happen through their own sheer will and determination. People who won’t buckle under pressure and are willing to go against the grain to achieve tangible goals. These people don’t just follow orders blindly and accept the status quo. They think, they research. They are therefore the ones more likely to make the sale, close the deal and stick it out with loyalty until the job is done. #jā-bet-davaj-aizmirsīsim-visas-pārestības-NOT

Turlane, who has been on and off work due to Covid, stress, Long-Covid and a mILd cAsE of Bell’s Palsy, says she and her vaccinated co-workers used to sneer at the unvaccinated, but no more.

the unvaccinated are now in demand by employers for other reasons as well .. their outside the box leadership skills are hard to come by in “the woke, complacent workforce.” .. unvaccinated are generally healthier, more honest, and are more likely to do the right thing.

employers .. are sick of paying people with the sniffles to stay home or pay for their repeated visits to cardiologists

she can’t even get a new job as she’s been turned down based on her vaccine status at every company she’s applied to. .. even considered faking being not vaccinated. “That would be risky though, and I don’t like to take risks. Unless it’s job related of course and that’s what is expected of me. Uh. You’re not going to include that last part, are you?”

#mild-case-of-bell's-palsy #sniffles #cardiologist #fibrilācijas-kultūra

05:17 pm

neko ko redzēt tu, nuka kustās tālāk

05:21 pm

> Vecāki bija atraduši, ka ir lidojumi Rynair, ir vasaras brīvlaiki, kas pārklājas, ir arī jaunais gads.

Jebal bļe, ceturtā kursa Rozentāļu studentiem vecāki bija atraduši vasaras brīvlaikus, kas pārklājas. Prikoloja šitais novērojums, ka mūsdienu liberālās jaunatnes augstākais sasniegums ir izvākties no savas istabas vecāku mājā un ievākties tās pašas mājas pagrabtelpā.

#vecāki-bija-atraduši #pārklājas-bļe #hujārklājas-bļe #dirsu-studentiņiem-arī-noslaucīja
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