12:16 pm
solving citu ciešanas one me at a time#karbona-pēda #sāc-ar-sevi #climate-suffering #cucksīnas-award
12:25 pm
not a big deal#bezmaksas-virtulis #čiks-un-limfoma #2-5gadi #atdodies-pianistam
12:37 pm
kad galīgi nav laika arguēt par vaks drošumu un efektivitātibet draugi be like: vēzis ir tavs darbs tagad#trustmebroimakesoyencevideos #virtually-no-way-a-vaxxer-can-transmit-c
ovid #natural-immunity-is-not-how-this-works #muh-vaxx-made-me-feel-in-control-much
08:47 pm
> in a month it went from the trash in a covid room going in a red bag and locked in a room for hazardous trash. To having the shit sit out in the halls in plain trash bags, so much for the deadliest plague of all time.
wait for it :DD