09:01 am
devītais marc
“The last link between the occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and the Ukrainian power system was cut off,”
The Energoatom said that the fifth and sixth reactor have been shut down and electric power needed for the plant’s functioning is supplied by 18 diesel generators which have enough fuel for 10 days.
https://youtu.be/k85mRPqvMbE?t=2m40s#comment-count #666k #youtube
11:15 pm
Kreš kurss anti-vaks konspiteorijā:
> Long COVID is broadly defined as signs, symptoms, and conditions that continue
> Long COVID is not one condition. It represents many potentially overlapping entities, likely with different biological causes and different sets of risk factors and outcomes.
Ļoti specifiski.
> Long COVID or Post-COVID Conditions
Ā, īstenībā nevis long covid, bet PCC.
> Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling and complex illness.
> People with ME/CFS are often not able to do their usual activities. At times, ME/CFS may confine them to bed. People with ME/CFS have overwhelming fatigue that is not improved by rest. ME/CFS may get worse after any activity, whether it’s physical or mental. This symptom is known as post-exertional malaise (PEM). Other symptoms can include problems with sleep, thinking and concentrating, pain, and dizziness.
> ME/CFS can last for years and sometimes leads to serious disability.
> Anyone can get ME/CFS.
> Researchers have not yet found what causes ME/CFS, and there are no specific laboratory tests to diagnose ME/CFS directly. Therefore, doctors need to consider the diagnosis of ME/CFS based on in-depth evaluation of a person’s symptoms and medical history. It is also important that doctors diagnose and treat any other conditions that can cause similar symptoms.
Paga, bļe... "in-depth evaluation of a person’s .. medical history"?? Kopš kura laika mēs šito darām? Cik atceros, viena kurpe der visiem, pēdējos divus gadus.
Vienvārdsakot, PCC un ME/CFS ir catch all diagnozes, kuras overlapojot var ieraudzīt brīnumiemeslus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vydgkCCXbTA> dianna is a healthy, physically active woman who is easily in the prime of her life. if this doesn't convince you to get your vaccinations, I don't know what will [#was-healthy]
> Wasnt she vaccinated?
> [jā bet]
Starp citu, paldies vakcīnām, ka esam acīmredzami sasnieguši pūļa imunitāti, jo kur ir kovids? A kur viņš ir? Ķipa, vakcīnas viņu apturēja, vai ne? [#pureblood]
> Think how much worse it could've been. Good thing she was vaccinated.
> One of the saddest things about this and similar cases is there are groups actively using this as anti vaccine and propaganda.
> Totally. I was careful, and I had all my jabs, got Covid for the first time in July last year - wasn't severe. But for around four months after I had absolutely no energy, barely getting through the day at work, then crashing in the evenings. It was rough. [#baaaa #baaaaaaaaa #baaa]
> Like, 1 in 20 comments on the last real video she did are from anti-vaxxers speculating she might have long covid because of the vaccine, and not because she had covid. You can't get away from the stupidity even on a channel specifically for people who are into science.
Zinātne nozīmē tikt vaļā no atlikušajiem 5% "trokšņa" sava burbuļa rezultātos. Ķipa, la-la-la-la-la *aizspiestām ausīm*. #LCF
> Such a braindead way of thinking, it's like saying seatbelts are dangerous because people in car crashes die wearing them
> Popular Youtuber "Physics Girl" and one of the Elixir's biggest fans is now very ill.
Apr 21, 2021: This is the most sore vaccine arm I've gotten. #worth-it-100x
Feb 14, 2023: I have trouble breathing ... I am scared.
> maybe she just needs another booster? i will sacrifice and donate mine if it helps!
> Encouraging an avid-vaxxer to double, triple, or octuple down in their moment of doubt is what separates the go-along-to-get-along believers from the truly pfaithful. - MBUH ["mask be upon her", ķipa reliģija, tas ir antivaks redit joks... piem 500MBUH varētu novēlēt Fauči, smieklīgi pareiz?]
> Can’t be too safe! She wouldn’t be having any of these symptoms if she had been boosted more. Difficulty breathing - gone. Fatigue - gone. Everything - gone.
> We did it! We turned Covid from a death sentence to a chronic conditioned that can be managed.
> Obviously it's long COVID, because that is a real thing. Literally impossible that it was the jab. The vaccine is safe and effective.
> seeing the actual damage that’s taking place makes me sad. These people were conned.
> “the antivaxxers won”. No we didn’t. There is no victory, it’s all incredibly sad.
Starp citu, viņu liks long covid specializētā klīnikā. Like, vat de fak? Tādas ir? Ķipa, tur ārstē visu no a-z as per definition? Smiekli nāk. Un vaks traumu klīnikas arī ir? Prikolo, ka long kovid klīnikā izgudrojot visādus jaunus veidus kā ārstēt long kovid. Leģitīmi, a ko. A neko. Pirmkārt, miaļģiskajam encefalomielītam zāļu nav. Otrkārt, kovidam zāļu nav. Ir tikai vakcīna un būsteri. Go at it.
> Lmao. These people are so quick to say “long Covid” like they know what they’re talking
Pirmā nevakcinēto nāves un smagas slimības ziema bija 2021-2022. Šitā bija jau otrā nevakcinēto nāves un PCC, ME/CFS or whatever ziema.
Feb 14, 2023: I am scared. [#kānt-brīvv #get-būsted #dont-be-stupid]
> Been long-hauling for 9 months myself now ... You can be vaccinated and still get long Covid. I’m vaccinated and boosted and still got it
> such insanely bad luck. By mid 2022 she had to have been both double vaccinated and boosted at least once. To have this kind of outcome at her age with the prophylactics she employed is just crazy.
Nezinu vai tur ar veiksmi ir kāds sakars. As per clot adams, mums vnk noveicās, ka esam tādi ģibili.
> My GF has long covid with similar symptoms. Long covid is no joke. Get those boosters folks.
> I agree with the other commenters, she needs an intense regiment of boosters (24x a day, one every hour)
> I've had long Covid (fatigue, brain fog, etc) for a year. I am fully vaxxed, and if I hadn't been, Covid might have killed me. [#nostradamus]
> covid is unpredictable. first thing your perfectly healthy and then next thing your bedridden.
> covid is unpredictable. first thing you vaxx and then next thing you're scared.
Noslēgumā: sirds iet ārā visām Diānām. Apskāvumi un bučas, kaut pretīgas.
#žults #covid_19 #get-boosted #MBUY