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Sunday, October 9th, 2022

Date:2022-10-09 20:34

My experiences with drugs started when I was 14 when i first tried marijuana, oxycodone, hydrocodone, ketamine ,adderall, ritalin, DMT, Mushrooms, LSD, PCP, Benzos, Z-drugs, phenobarbital, and various other pharmaceuticals.

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Date:2022-10-09 20:49
Subject:sober october

My friend J, though, took an 8mg dose and blacked out in a matter of minutes from ingestion. He was out. I smacked his face, shook him, he was blown out, like an old light-bulb. It was fucked up. I had to take him to a friends house to keep him there, his parents were freaking out that he didn't go home that day. We assured them that he was fine and he just went camping (he usually does) and they believed us. He woke up about a day later, groggy as hell and fucked up. He threw up a bunch and went back to sleep. After about 4 days he woke up for good, i gave him some adderall to keep him up, and a Oxycontin for his massive headache from dehydration and hunger. He was back to normal in a total of a week. He hasn't touched it again.

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