- The Cure
- 12/22/04 01:52 am
- The Cure - Disintegration
The Cure - 39
The Cure - Pictures Of You
The Cure - Watching Me Fall
The Cure - Primary
...The Cure, tas ir spēks. - Current Music: The Cure - 39
- 11 commentsLeave a comment
- 12/23/04 02:31 am
The Cure - Pornograpy
The Cure - A Reflection
The Cure - Siamese Twins
The Cure - Fascination Street
The Cure - Want
Ir, ir speeks :) - Reply
- 12/23/04 10:40 am
+ viss The Cure "Faith" albums. ir speeks.
- Reply
- 12/23/04 11:00 am
ice in my eyes and eyes like ice don't move
jaa, viss albuums.. likteniigais albuums, peec kura koncertos Roberts nogaaja no skatuves raudaadams :)
- Reply
- 12/23/04 03:44 am
Vai patiešām? Nekad neesmu atradis laiku klausīties kaut ko no viņiem.
Kas tas par stilu? Rock? - Reply
- 12/23/04 10:47 am
kad pirmo reizi klausījos man nepatika, bet otrs piegājiens bija likitenīgs.
paklausies ja ir iespēja, kā imēginājumu augtāk minētāš dziesmas. ir daudz labu. - Reply
- 12/23/04 10:59 am
ice in my eyes and eyes like ice don't move
The Cure valda paar juusu dveeseleem.
mans 5ieks
the cure - charlotte sometimes
the cure - cold
the cure - disintegration
the cure - the Empty world
the cure - faith
..un veel kaadas 150 dziesmas :)) - Reply
- 12/23/04 12:51 pm
- Reply
- 12/23/04 01:09 pm
teu jauna jūzerbilde?
:] - Reply
- 12/23/04 04:43 pm
bilde kaa modelim .) p.s.kad naaksiet uz karstviinu?
The Cure - Disintegration
The Cure - Yesterday's Gone
The Cure - Dressing Up
The Cure - Bloodflowers
The Cure - Untitled
plus veel citas Disintegration,Faith,Head on The Doors,B-sides..baac...tas tak ir zinaams,ka no Cure man patiik gandriiz viss iznjemot "hot hot hot" [laigan,saaku pierast] - Reply