Zelta zutis - Komentāri

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ķiķinu10. Decembris 2013 - 11:39
Congratulations!!! This is to inform you that you were among the 3 lucky beneficiary selected to receive this award sum of $1,000,000.00 USD, as charity donations/aid from the Qatar Foundation held in Doha, Qatar, to promote your business and personal Interest. For verification & claims replyto: kaut kāds meils ;) Yours Sincerely, Dr. Salman Fathy Saoud. Reply To: kaut kāds meils ;) IMPORTANT: If you receive this message in your spam or junk its due to your network provider.

p.s. varbūt man biežāk ir jāielien spamfolderī spamu palasīties?... citādi es tur ieskatos tikai tad, kad man piezvana, ka man ir nosūtīts meils, bet es to neredzu, kur šamam jābūt. un tas ir pāris reizes gadā. kā šodien, piemēram...
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