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Previous Entry 10. Dec 2011 @ 17:09 Next Entry
man reti nāk spams. brīžiem pat skauž te freidlisti lasīt. bet nu šoreiz es arī esmu kaut ko dabūjis. iepriekšējo reizi vinnestspamu es dabūju pērnajā gadā, kad mans tel numberis kaut ko vinnēja. tagad meiladresis:

Dear Lucky Winner,

We are delighted to inform you the result of the annual final draws of Wenzhou Ourvis Electronic Co., Ltd.
Annual Promo.

The online Wenzhou Ourvis Annual Promo draws was conducted by a random selection of E-mail addresses from an
exclusive list of 67.821 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated
random computer (TOPAZ) search from the internet. However, no tickets were sold but all E-mail addresses were
assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. After this automated computer ballot, your
E-mail address emerged our second place winner of $750,000USD.

Please contact your claims agent:
kaut kāds meiladresis

You are required to fill and Submit the below information.

(1) Name:...(2)Sex:...(3)Age...(4) Home Address:...(5) Phone number...(6) E-mail that won...
(7) Occupation...(8) Nationality:.....(9) Country:........

You are to choose from the below options by ticking

1.) Courier Delivery Option [ ]
2.) Bank Wire Transfer [ ]

Congratulations from the management and staffs of Wenzhou Ourvis.

Best Regards.

pirms gada es to sms-ku ignorēju. tagad ignorēšu šo. ja kāds vēlas manu reakciju, tad vinnestā ir jābūt kaut kam interesantam. vot tā!
(ir doma)
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 13. Decembris 2011 - 13:21
Shamais sūds apceļojis ir visus;-))Un tevi arī sasniedzis;-))
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 13. Decembris 2011 - 17:59
nu ja. citādi vienmēr ir tā, ka visiem ir, bet man nekā. šoreiz man arī dīvainā kārtā ienācās ;o) aš, pat apmulsu :D
(ir doma)
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