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Previous Entry 6. Jan 2005 @ 20:34 Next Entry

If i was a serial killer i would be John Wayne Gacy .

If you ever had a reason to be afraid of clowns. This would be it.

Over the course of 3 years John Wayne Gacy, a part time children's party clown, would go on to sodomize, torture and murder over 30 young men, burying most of the bodies under the floor boards of his home.

Gacy would use a chloroform soaked rag to render his victims unconscious, then take them home and tie them up in his basement. He would then proceed to torture them sexually, using a varying range of dildos and sexual toys, eventually strangling them to death with a 2x4 while raping them.

kill count: 30+

Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!
(ir doma)
Date: 6. Janvāris 2005 - 21:47
ak shausmas! klauni tiesham ir viena no taam retajaam lietaam pret kuraam man ir pretiigums un bailes!
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Date: 9. Janvāris 2005 - 18:44
un ir arī iemesls ;o)
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Date: 7. Janvāris 2005 - 01:52
kāpēc ieliki kaut ko tik riebīgu? ar Tevi pavisam traki ir?
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Date: 9. Janvāris 2005 - 18:46
nepatīk, ja cilvēka būtība pēkšni pa visām porām lien ārā?

vispār Tev mani zinot vajadzētu saprast, ka tas zināmā mērā atbilst manai dzīvei ;o)
(ir doma)
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