May 31st, 2011 |
I'm afraid that I'm no better than other schemies. |
What's a sexed-up tory doing on a train? Nothing. And why nothing, caz it's the most convenient joke? I don't know brof maybe because it's tantrum.
Let's face it, in every given moment there's widest variety of emotions around and if you really claim yourself to be emphatic then you must give me a quarter, mister, see you are eluding me, you. |
Thank you for the inconvenience. |
People around me are the toughest motherfuckers and so I would like to fuck them up. |
Mais queees que tu fais? Es esmu benziintanks visam, kas iet caur mani. |
Nezinu, man shodien jaastraadaa departamentaa, kuraa es varbuut nobeigshos no garlaiciibas. Piemeeram, sazveerestiibas teorija glaasta, ka mani grib padstavitj, tad jau redzees. |
Aizmirsu iemest somaa mainjas apakshbikses, taapeec tagad straadaashu bez. |
Un man trenazhieros kaajas triiceeja varbuut deelj kaarteejaas debiilaas bank holiday kad atperos vakar uz zaali jau taa ar vienas dienas nokaveeshanos a zaale ciet. Iepriekshreiz arii kaadas chetras dienas tukshas pa vidu jociigaas mainjas deelj taa sanaak, ka galiigi izshauts esmu seezhu pie pusdienu galda un nevaru neko ieeest, gaidu, kad paraadiisies apetiite un es svaraa par diviem kilogramiem nokrities, gribu savilkt paraleeles. |
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