Dec. 3rd, 2009 @ 12:53 pm (no subject)
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Review on Toby's Keith tour in Europe:
"I always enjoy hearing about country stars who do well overseas, especially in non-English speaking countries. I was surprised to learn that Toby Keith, as huge as he is in the U.S., had never done a proper European tour until very recently. Of course, his USO touring schedule is legendary, and he's been to the Middle East and Africa many times, but the jury was still out on what kind of a reception he'd receive on a real European tour.

Well, the verdict is in, and by all accounts, Toby blew the roof off of all venues he played on his recent two-week sold out tour. All nine shows in six different countries were completely sold out before Toby ever set foot in Glasgow, Scotland for his first gig.

Comment on this:
"Dear Mr Keith,
Please find enclosed bill for nine European roof repairs. Next time you tour can you please either play open air venues or just not perform so darn well at inside ones,
Your Sincerely,

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