Liena ([info]psychokiss) wrote 30. Oktobris 2016, 13:52
listen. listen to what they say and then do what ever you think is right.
build a network of people you care about and who care for you and make their opinion the only one that matters, because thats how it goes.
you dont need to take anybodys shit just to like what or who you like.
there is nothing wrong with affection, caring for others and protecting yourself.
dont keep people who make you feel bad in your life, lifes too much of a bitch on its own already, keep away from the bitches.
never regret doing a thing that made you happy at that point of your life. and never regret love. no matter what it is you love - a sport, a person, an object - if you love it, tell it to the world, shout it from the rooftops, put it on your tshirt. let love rule.
eventually you are going to let somebody down, but dont you ever dare to let down yourself.
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