laba ziņa

Today, October 14th, Italy Indymedia learned that an investigation in Bologna could have precipitated the U.S.' order for the seizure of Indymedia's hard drives from the U.K.

Marina Plazzi, a public prosecutor for Bologna investigating the "Informal Anarchist Federation," reportedly issued a request for information (RFI) to U.S. authorities concerning posts published on, one of the 20 odd Indymedia sites hosted on the U.K. server. The U.S. authorities, going beyond the requirements of the RFI, then issued an order to seize the drives.

Despite this new information and the return of the hardware many questions remain.

"The fact that the authorities' actions are shrouded in mystery leaves Indymedia in the Kafkaesque position of not knowing the identity of its accusers or the nature of their claim," says David Dadge, editor for the International Press Institute.

Indymedia volunteers are now calling for supporters to sign a solidarity declaration at denouncing the hard drive seizure as an unacceptable attack on press freedom, freedom of expression, and privacy. They are demanding a full disclosure of the names of organizations and individuals involved in the seizure, a copy of the court order, and an independent investigation into any violations of due process.

"We have serious concerns about the use of international co-operation frameworks to obscure legal process, undermine civil liberties, and erode communication rights," said an Indymedia volunteer.

Numerous organizations have already expressed their solidarity with Indymedia. "I would say that this is an indication of the successfulness of the Indymedia network," says Peter Phillips, Ph.D., director of Project Censored. "Freedom of information is a radical idea when applied in a fair manner, and radical ideas will always be suppressed by the transnational corporate elites whenever possible."

sikāk te:


tu tak pilno versiju atceries vai ne?
protams. :) iemācījos no galvas. ;)

nekas esmu mazinja esmu mazinja :P

slikti guleetas nakts iespaidaa

nemaz tik mazinja es neesmu, kaa izliekos :D

BTW tev dejoshana

fui phee pati sajaucu

gribeeju prasiit vai tad nav treshdienaas? bet vakar tak bija 3-diena :p

cik ta daudz padancaat tiki?
pavisam maz - pusstundu. nokavējos. ;)
devinjos vakaraa saakas ja?
nea - 20.30. :)
bet tagad pārlika uz 19.30...
man iiszinjaam neraada laiku tikai datumu, taa nu es varu mineet cikos man iisti atnaaca
aha, skaidrs par tavu telefonu. :)
un man vakar mobs pat liidzi nebija
aizmirsi mājās? gadās. :)
man bija zvaniijushi divi cilveeki, viens 19:05 otrs bija braalis kas zvaniija pirms brauca aaraa no smiltenes :P

alt atkal gaaja bet braalis brauca pakalj :)

aizbraucis maajaas un maaminja vinjam pazino guna uz celja brauc pakalj :P
redz kā par tevi rūpējas. :)
tipa neviens netrauceeja
vareeju guleet

saderam kad es izdomaashu guleet kaadam mani noteikti vajadzees!?
nederēšu. tā notiek gandrīz vienmēr. "nelietības likums".

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