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[Jul. 21st, 2015|12:17 am]
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mazā porkusa bērnības atmiņas:

“Try and understand if it isn’t too hard.”
Thomas Hudson looked at him. He felt far away now and
there were no problems at all. He felt the ship gathering her
speed and the lovely throb of her engines against his
shoulder blades which rested hard against the boards. He
looked up and there was the sky that he had always loved
and he looked across the great lagoon that he was quite
sure, now, he would never paint and he eased his position
a little to lessen the pain. The engines were around three
thousand now, he thought, and they came through the deck
and into him.
“I think I understand, Willie,” he said.
“Oh shit,” Willie said. “You never understand anybody that
loves you.”

Villijs ir tas, kuram bija mākslīgā acs un sākotnēji likās pilnigi neregulējams kadrs (bez Henrija klātbūtnes)
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