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February 13th, 2025

10:04 pm - Vakara dziesmiņa
Normunds Rutkis - Tas būs jūnijā

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November 18th, 2024

07:41 pm - Raimonds Celms ir īsts mīlulītis,
tomēr šo dziesmu var nodziedāt tikai šie puikas:
Krasts - Tavas saknes tavā zemē

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April 7th, 2023

06:52 am - Mīlulīši
Depeche Mode - Ghosts Again ft. BBC Concert Orchestra

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June 11th, 2022

07:30 am - * * *
Julee Cruise - The World Spins
(Forever and ever
The world spins.)

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May 1st, 2022

05:36 pm - Dienas mjūziks
Aizeju uz tuvāko lielveikalu pēc kaut kā garšīga svētdienas vakariņām, bet tur fonā skan Jeff Wayne's The Eve of the War.
(Kurš gan no laba prāta gribētu klausīties tādu naftalīnu kā Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (1978), vai ne? Bet tieši to es tūlīt darīšu. Iepriekšējā reize varēja būt pirms gadiem 20, nudien.)
Current Music: Jeff Wayne - The War of the Worlds

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July 3rd, 2021

08:45 am - Sestdienas rīta dziesma
Kapelmeistars Group - Piedod

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April 25th, 2021

11:03 am - ***
Lose You in the Crowd - Devotchka

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December 2nd, 2020

12:27 pm - Из новостей все прах и тлен
Mujuice | Zemfira — Возвращайся Домой

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June 3rd, 2020

09:42 am - Aizvien un vēlreiz
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen
(Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.)

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March 27th, 2020

10:26 am - And oh yes my brothers
Done With Those Days - Devotchka

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January 20th, 2019

10:28 am - Dienas dziesma
Carla Bruni - The Winner Takes It All
(Though it's hurting me, now it's history.)

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September 24th, 2018

07:17 pm - Dienas dziesma
The Waterboys - This Is The Sea
You've got a war in your head
And it's tearing you up inside
You're trying to make sense
Of something that you just can't see
Trying to make sense now
And you know you once held the key.

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October 23rd, 2015

07:12 am - Vai
vecu cilvēku kaislība var izskatīties skaista? Nē, ja vien tie nav (jā, bet tikai tad, ja tie ir) Mylène Farmer un Stings: Stolen Car
(Eto jemu sņitsja.)

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July 16th, 2015

08:32 am - Ilya dance
Melina Mercouri - Never On Sunday Never On Sunday

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July 1st, 2015

10:42 am - Zorba dance
zorba dance

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May 27th, 2015

07:39 am - Brokastis ar Vorholu

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March 25th, 2015

04:30 pm - Dienas dziesma
Putnu Ceļš

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August 31st, 2014

12:05 pm - Augusta dziesma
Jacques of S'T'A&WX-Tur kur upe nes

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March 31st, 2014

09:29 am - Wish I was old and a little sentimental
Porcupine Tree - Normal
(But what's normal now anyhow?) Eh.

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March 29th, 2014

07:54 am - Never want to be old
Porcupine Tree - Sentimental
(Vairāk jau piestāvētu 1. jūnijam, Bērnu aizsardzības dienai, bet šodienai arī derēs.)

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