Miss Pocins -

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Septembris 14., 2009

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Ja nevar, bet ļoti gribās, tad tomēr var../Počiņs/
Ja baidies pārkāpt robežu, vai domā,ka Tev to neļaus pārkāpt, tad robežai kāp pāri lēnā garā, ja Tev atļauj mazlietiņ viņu pārkāpt Tu turpini, un tad jau Tu tiec tālāk, līdz robežu esi pārkāpis un Tev kaut ko aizliedz../Počiņš/
Ja Tu domā,ka dzīve spēlē lētus jokus ar Tevi, tad sāc skatīties uz viņu dārgām acīm, un sapratīsi,ka tie nav lēti joki,bet gan dārgi gadījumi./Počiņš/

Thank you for this moment
I've gotta say how beautiful you are
Of all the hopes and dreams I could've prayed for
There you are
If I could have one dance forever
I would take you by the hand
Tonight it's you and I together
I'm so glad, I'm your man

And if I lived a thousand years
You know, I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you
That day.
But if destiny decided
I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you tonight?

I don't hear the music
When I'm looking in your eyes
But I feel the rhythm of your body
Close to mine.
Its the way we touch that sends me
Its a way we'll always be
Your kiss, your pretty smile you know I'd die for
Oh baby, your all I need.

/Oliver James - Greatest Story Ever Told/

Garastāvoklis:: [mood icon] Dullums galviņa.
Mūzika: Lil Poch - Limbaž milks.mp3

(2 Komentār[i]`. | Ir Ideja.)


Date:14. Septembris 2009 - 23:12
The Kooks - Shine On.
[User Picture]
Date:14. Septembris 2009 - 23:18
Čiepiņ, Tu man varētu viņu atsūtīt..
Savādāk i will daij bez guuud mūzikas. :)

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